Central Coast Entrepreneurs
Central Coast Entrepreneurs
At Her Table & Enjoy Slo with Michelle Barrera
It all started when traveling through the Central Coast, and stopping to get food and falling in love with the 805! Michelle made it her mission to highlight what makes the central coast awesome. And going a step further, even organized an incredible event campaign for woman owned businesses through At Her Table! But what really made this whole experience unique, was the opportunity to have different experiences all throughout the 805!
Hey there. Arnold Vasquez here. You're host
HyperX Quadcast - 1-2:the most for the coast. Welcome to the Central Coast Entrepreneurs Podcast Hopping. Aspiring new entrepreneurs connect, collaborate, and succeed with other fellow businesses in
HyperX Quadcast - 2-2:California's central coast by sharing
HyperX Quadcast - 1-2:Who they are, what
HyperX Quadcast - 2-2:they do, and what they stand for.
HyperX Quadcast - 1-3:I am joined today by Michelle, the owner of Enjoy Low and founder of at her Table, highlighting women owned businesses here on the central coast, and really bringing you curated events all throughout the central coast and making an impact by putting the central coast on the map. Let's go.
Arnold:All righty, Michelle, thank you so much for joining us today on the podcast for giving us a moment of your time. And I just wanted to, just rewind the clock a bit and let's start from the beginning. How long have you how long have you lived here in the area for.
Michelle:I live in Atascadero and I've been here for four years
Arnold:now. Woo. Four years. Nice. And where did you li live currently before, before here?
Michelle:My husband and I, we originally lived in downtown la We were really lucky. We lived at the Brewery Artist Lofts. It's the largest art colony in the United States. And we came here very abrupt. We were trying to get Panda Express in the middle of the night. It was eight and it was about eight miles away, and this trip took two hours and we decided let's just leave our life in LA and come to the central coast. We moved here with no family or friends, and we've loved it ever since.
Arnold:Oh, nice. I love, I just have to say I love the abruptness and just the, that you're right. Sometimes when we go outside of our environment we never know what we're gonna fall in love with and just, like seeing new things as well, too. and I actually also wanted to ask I, I also follow you on Instagram and I see that also as well too, that you had been a a nurse for quite a while too. How long were you doing that for?
Michelle:I was a registered nurse for the Hospital of Veterans Affairs for 14 years. I started in Westlock Angeles and made my way up to the central coast, transferring from different va.
Arnold:Oh, okay. Nice. Okay. So also be because of your job, you've you have traveled back and forth then as well, right?
Michelle:Yeah. I've been really lucky with working for the government in that position. I'm able to tr when I was a nurse, I could transfer to any location that had a veteran's facility.
Arnold:Oh, nice. Okay. Oh that's awesome. I like to hear that because it's, I feel that a lot of the times, some of our, not just our careers, but all of our years of experience, of everything point us into the right direction of where we wanna go and the decisions that we make for, for our overall person. And now I did, I also did wanna ask, tell us about at her table, what is at her table? At
Michelle:her table is something very close to my heart. It's Slow County's first ever Women's Week celebration. It takes place every year, March. We do seven days and it's always going to be the week of International Women's Day. It's also an honor of Women's history Month. So what happens with it is women in the community, they come forward, they do an event or a food special that really highlights who they are as women and the experience, their experience here in this community. So it, we just had wrapped up this year's and it was an absolutely unforgettable experience.
Arnold:I can attest to that. I went, I was there on Sunday at the Atascadero Street street Fair, and it was amazing to say the least. Getting to know a lot of the local businesses, who they are, what they do, what they stand for, and more than anything, getting a chance to meet them and support them as well too. I just wanna say that I'm completely on board with you on that
Michelle:and I love seeing you there. Thank. Coming out and supporting these women, it really means the world to them.
Arnold:Oh, no, it's, which we're I like saying that we're local, supporting local, and it's, it's time to connect and collaborate and all succeed together. Absolutely. And I did wanna ask what, what made you decide to start at her table? Did you know any of these businesses prior or what helped? What made you wanted to say, Hey, I want I, somebody needs to organize this. What was the method to the madness? What led you to this amazing idea? It
Michelle:was also like many of my other ideas, spontaneous oh, So what happened was I had done so much of my work on my own for Enjoy Slow, and I made a commitment during the pandemic that if I needed support, I would stop pretending to do to know it all and do it all on my own and I would reach out. So my vision was to create a Luxury Seven course to Go box similar to LA or San Francisco, and I didn't know how to do so I hit up every restaurant that. That was doing it correctly. And then nobody replied to me except one woman. Her name was Dina Samsung. Okay. She is the owner of Rosa Blue in downtown Los Angeles, and I won't forget it. She was like, here is the VIN number, here's the skew numbers for the boxes. Do you need our menu? I'm happy to give it to you. You can just repurpose it in whatever way you want. And I was like, who is? Generous woman who doesn't know me, who's supporting me in this way, and I knew there was something special about her, so I said, Hey, I know you don't know me, but would you talk to me for 15 minutes? There's something about you. And I researched her after the phone call and she ha was like a James Beard Entrepreneur Award winner. This woman is part of the board of something called Regarding her in Los Angeles. Oh. It's 350. At the time, 350 women owned restaurants who had came together to do a 10 day festival. So what happened was Dina and I talked, it was a great convo, and she said, Hey I looked at your website in Joy Slow. Do you ever think of doing, have you heard of regarding her? And I was like, I don't know what that is. So she's you should think about doing this in your area and bringing women together to do a celebration. She's like, how many women owned restaurants are there? And I didn't have anything to say. I didn't, I truly didn't know. I was like 10 30, no clue. I myself as a woman. And she's I want you to research it. And I was like, of course. And when I did, there were hundreds and it made me realize what was I missing in this community that I didn't have the knowledge to. Hundreds existed and that brought forth at her table and the stories of women that they felt that they were just the boss's wife, they were undervalued, they weren't recognized, and wow, that's why at her table came to life.
Arnold:No that's awesome. I love hearing that. How you you basically, you didn't re, you didn't go out to reinvent the wheel. You reached out to people that already, had a similar idea of what you were already wanting to do and this generous person. Shout out to Dina that she gave you all that knowledge, guidance, and. Everything you needed to just give you the foundation to, to start that. That's interesting. I know I absolutely like, like that because I say that just because sometimes we it's perfectly okay for us to learn and through our own mistakes, but if we could save time like you did by reaching out and Dina just, provided you that awesome information and she helped set the foundation for something that already basically that. Exist, but somewhere else. So you can make it your own, because obviously you are, you're bringing your own unique personality, your own unique voice to at her table and doing it in a way that nobody else can do it because you have your own amazing personality and your own way of doing things that nobody else can copy. So that's amazing to hear that beginning and that's awesome. I really like hearing that origin story, that, that superhero origin,
Michelle:It is, it's, but really a testament to the goodness of one person. Like just her speaking out and supporting me creates a change in a whole city. And that's the power of being supportive, being kind to other people. So I have a tremendous respect. Forna.
Arnold:Yes. Oh no, of course. So would you say that with collaborating with other businesses is it's a good thing.
Michelle:It absolutely is. It's invaluable.
Arnold:Oh no, of course. And you were also mentioning Enjoy Slow too. How long have you been doing that for as well, too? Oh, it's going
Michelle:on its fourth year as well. I started it when I moved here. I moved here. In the winter of 2017 and in spring, it was part of my New Year's resolution that I would create a curated event calendar for locals.
Arnold:Oh, nice. Okay. And that was the same thing. Let let me, lemme guess. Was that a spontaneous idea too? Yes.
Michelle:Yes. That also happens spontaneously.
Arnold:Oh no. I'm seeing a pattern emerging here. No, I'm glad that you followed your intuition because it has led you to great things. It's going to keep leading you to more. Successful endeavors and more than anything give you the know-how, the practice, the yeah. The knowledge and to to do all these activities because, like you said connecting, collaborating with other businesses, that's how we're, that's what we're gonna learn and grow. And I'm just glad to see that. I guess you could say fear didn't hold you back because you could have easily said, oh, what if this is, what if this doesn't go well? What if? But you said, no, let's do it. Let's just start. Let's ready, fire, aim, So I applaud you for that. Thank you
Michelle:so much. I think it's really important that people follow their heart and their dreams and it's so funny hearing you say that even when I quit nursing. People were surprised with me. I had federal benefits. I was already on my 14th year. Why not stay? And I chose to follow my heart and people came forward. I wanted to do what you did, but, oh, this is my dream. But everything, but, and it just made me sad. And even when I started in Joy, slow, people came to me. Oh, I thought of. That event calendar. But I really, that was my idea, but but yeah, why not just freaking go for it.
Arnold:Oh, no I couldn't agree with you anymore. Sometimes, yeah, sometimes we, unfortunately we can let the fear of settling in or, just go at it. I love this phrase that I saw from Jim Ron a business philosopher that said there's two types of pain in this world. The pain of discipline, or the pain of regret. So one ways ounces and one weighs tons. So I'm glad to see that at least you have the pain of discipline and instead of saying yourself, oh, I wanted to start that, but No, I completely agree with you because yeah, sometimes oof, if I were to tell you the story of when I wanna started the podcast, but, ev everything, I believe everything happens for a reason. And there's no better moment than the. To actually do things because there's two, there's two days that are completely out of your control. Tomorrow and yesterday, but we can only focus on the present cuz that's what matters. Absolutely. And Michelle, I, so I wanted to ask you too, with enjoy Slow and at her table. How are you promoting that? What's working for you online and offline?
Michelle:It. Actually this came up in another interview, how they're related enjoy Slow is its own thing, and then at her table became a fiscally sponsored 5 0 1 This last, ooh, Christmas. Eco Logistics is our fiscal sponsor. We're very thankful for them. so we're able to receive tax deductible donations so we can keep this event afloat. They are related in a way. The reason at her table came to life is because also people knew what I did with Enjoy Slow. There was that trust there, and they knew that when I created something I would give my whole Heart and Soul, I wouldn't let them down. They are related, but they're not. So I dunno if that answered the
Arnold:question, but Oh no. Of course. I'm very glad you made that distinction that while they're I guess you could say classified. Related in the sim related as in, because they're both projects that you started and they take a lot of work to put into and make sure that they get, are as successful as they as you want them to be. But they're their own. They're own, they're a bit separate. And yeah, no thank you for clarifying that as well too. And. and I and I did wanna ask, what is what is a personal setback that you've gone through that has really made you during your whole, during your process of starting both of these or even earlier, what's a setback that you've had that has personally made you take a step back and reevaluate?
Michelle:Reevaluate the businesses or myself,
Arnold:either or.
Michelle:I really have to say it's the pandemic. I'm so grateful for it because it put my life into perspective. During that year, what I did was I took a year to step into leadership, so I did leadership programs. I also went traveling. I did my first solo trip and I challenged my mind. It was really difficult. I would say. I went through dark times and, but those breakdowns are where we do have our breakthrough. And when at her table came, people asked me, you must be exhausted. Were you ready for this? And there's so many women, how are you doing it? And honestly I was ready to absorb all that space, all that energy, and I'm really thankful. the deep dive I took during the pandemic into myself
Arnold:also. Now that you mentioned that what's something that you've learned dealing with lots of people and different personalities with at her table?
Michelle:The biggest takeaway is when you're in a position of leadership, you're creating everything around you. It's important for you to. Stand strong in what you believe and to come from love and understanding, because if you are able to do that is the message and the energy you'll create around you. If you are in leadership, having anxiety, angry, it creates that experience around you and it spills into everything you're creating. So I, that's one takeaway that I've really, truly learned is being present as a leader. coming from a space of
Arnold:love. Oh, no. I absolutely love that because No, how you made, how you said that you need to come from a good place because basically you, you said that you project that that vibe, so to speak to the whole group. So as long as you do it with all the right intentions that of a place of love, you will project that onto the group and onto the audience as well too. Absolutely. And no. That's amazing. And Michelle why is community important to you? Community
Michelle:is everything. To me. It's life. It, no man can live alone. And as you heard from my story, the magic happened when I reached out. It was when I collaborated. It's when we all worked together. True light comes into this world and you receive change and you make a difference. So it can only be done through community. It's
Arnold:essential. Oh no. Of course. Yeah. That's how we're gonna, we're how we're gonna get better by it. Like you said, just reaching out with our own community, our resources, collaborating, learning from one another, all of our amazing experiences and yeah, becoming successful together. That's the end objective.
Michelle:Yeah. And I know one story I do wanna share. There was this really amazing tasting that was offered during, at her table. It was a vertical Toronto tasting, and it was done by two female winemakers Ariana from Ariana Wines and Glen from Symbiosis Wines. Okay. And truly, you would think this must be competitive in a way. These are two female winemakers making the same product. and they're doing a vertical but for them to go forward together is a statement to community. The power of collaborating, because it wa it was just a beautiful event. I never experienced it in anything like it before.
Arnold:Oh no that's awesome. Like you said, you're right originally some pe some, yeah. Some people would think, oh, two, two people offering, offering, offering the same exact product. But no, instead, let's all become successful together and. Michelle, you working in, having the opportunity to work with so many people, so many different businesses, a lot of them sometimes being the same type of business. I wanted to ask you are right, that is unfortunately that is an issue, but it's not as big as it used to be. How. Un unfortunately. A lot of people, sometimes unfortunately, maybe think, oh you're you're a business that offers the same thing. You're a competitor. That's like an kind of, almost like an outdated mentality to have and this in this current time. But I wanted to ask what's something that can help? What's an activity that can help bring businesses together to collaborate? What do you think? I just wanted your opinion on that. Dealing with so many different businesses. Like what I, how have you been able to bring them together?
Michelle:For me to bring them together really is creating that space where they feel comfortable. Even though there's a so much material that promotes collaboration, it would be I have to say honestly, when even years ago, I would have feelings of com being competitive and to get past that, it really takes you understanding yourself, what you truly offer, and what I've done with at her table to. To allow collaboration is to really just encourage it, show the benefits of collaboration and to set that example and that tone for all the women around me. And you see it, there's, there were 180 new members jumping on in like in month and Yeah, but we, the only reason at her table was successful. We did work together. And to have that figure where it's okay, this is a, the plan of action let's make this happen. So I think having a facilitator, creating that plan and showing that it does it is successful when it comes to business is really important.
Arnold:No that's awesome. I really like how you said that lead by example come. How you said come with with good intentions and no, I, like I said I applauded you for that. That's no easy feat. But at the same time, you have shown us that it's not impossible to bring together these bus businesses so we can all well collaborate and work together and get to know each other because I feel that at the end of the day, we all make up part of the community. So we're all gonna see each other at the end of the day. I absolutely love that. How you said that. How bringing. everybody together out of a place of love and more than anything, leading with example that's, that really just goes to show that not only do you have the patience and development to be able to say, Hey, let's do this together. You're not just saying, Hey say, Hey, let's do this for this amount of reason. You said, Hey, no, let's all work together. We're all part of this community. We're in it together, so we got. We got this. Yeah. And of course I'm glad to acknowledge that it's a process. It's not from one day to the other, but slowly but surely we are gonna get there.
Michelle:Yes. And competition, really, it exists in our minds and it's truly, everyone is so unique and different. I heard this wonderful quote from my friend, an artist, Nikki Lenore. She. Stay in your own lane. There's no traffic there and it's so true. And we to spend time focusing on somebody else takes away from you living your life. Yes. So when I feel in a space of competitiveness, I really take five minutes. take a breath and meditate because that energy does not need to be around me. It doesn't serve me, and it doesn't, it takes me away from my true mission and goal.
Arnold:Yes. No, that's, no, that's awesome that you said that you, that's how you deal with it and make sure that you get rid of it and you just give yourself that clarity so you know where you come from and your intentions and your plans too as well. And Michelle, I wanted to ask too, what is a personal accomplishment that you are proud of? Ooh, I, wow.
Michelle:No one's ever asked me that one. I'm not prepared. This is so
Arnold:great. I'm glad I threw curve ball
Michelle:I just honestly feel proud of myself and my journey of leadership. I, I have to say that year that I talked about, I really lost so many things I, I. Almost lost my, in my family, my relationships or, I was just mentally feeling so down. And to come back from that kind of mindset, you really just I feel so proud, like the journey I've taken because, yeah. And I know it's, I don't know, it's very hard to explain, but if I could tell people one thing, it's really. The journey of leadership is so important to becoming the leader of your life. To put yourself first, to choose you is so important. And all my life I've been listening to other people, serving them what they want, and to take this year to realize, no, I get to choose me. It is I'm so freaking proud of myself, and I feel so happy that I'm living life according to my. and I know that's so vague but people just really need to take that journey into
Arnold:them. So yeah. No you're right. Sometimes we get caught up with our day-to-day activities that sometimes we, I feel that we take, we forget to take a step back and just really get perspective and saying am I happy Liam? Do I enjoy this? And if I'm not, then why don't I do something about it? Outta curiosity, what made you de, what made you decide that? Oh, which part? Oh, Like to just say, Hey, I'm gonna do things for me and I wanna, I'm gonna fulfill myself and I'm gonna do, I wanna do a whole year to just bettering myself, just doing what I wanna do to make sure that I can be, have that sense of wellbeing on all levels. Oh,
Michelle:I love that. I, there was this time period. I felt unhappy. I didn't know, like my content on Enjoy slow. I didn't know why I was creating it anymore. I was doing work that, I was, that I wasn't happy with. I would undercut my value to serve other people when it came to me creating content just. scraping by. I was in a job where I love nursing, but I'd done it for 14 years. I was bored and although I love my coworkers and the patients, everything, I was not mentally challenged and I experienced frustration in my home. So when my husband would see me, I would be grumpy and I couldn't explain the restlessness inside my soul. I just knew that something was wrong and I needed to change my. So I went for it full force, and I took classes taking that solo trip to Costa Rica. I went to Costa Rica. Yeah I went by myself to Costa
Arnold:Rica. How was that? It was absolutely
Michelle:amazing, and it made me feel powerful as a woman. I never traveled alone in my whole life. I, I'm 35. and to take that journey, it made me know I'm unstoppable. Like I don't need anyone to. Sustain myself. I got
Arnold:this. Yeah, no that's awesome. That, wow. That makes that, you're inspiring me to want to do the same as well too. No, that's, I love, I like that that that awakening to just say, hey. I wanna do things for myself. I wanna better myself. I wanna be not only be happy, but just, reach that level of fulfillment that we can always give ourselves. But it really takes that conscious effort to say, Hey, am I happy? And what am I doing about it?
Michelle:Yeah. And I, and for Adam, her table, we did it, it's called an Untamed Dinner, and it's based on Glennon Boyle, Glennon Doyle's book unam. Oh, at the Pro it, it's free online. It's not even a five minute read, but there, it talks about this there's this restlessness inside us and what does it mean to take time to dive in and find out where we're really happy? What are we living our life? Are we living it for other people? And to look and be a certain way? There, but tapping into the greatness that's inside us and just being free and wild.
Arnold:Yeah, no I love that sometimes getting that inner creative part of our soul set. Sometimes we suppress un, un unconsciously or not, we don't do it intentionally, but like I said, we just get so caught up with our activities that I don't wanna say that inner child, but that inner creativeness of us wants to, that wants to come out. As well. Yeah. And with everything that you have going on, Michelle, I did want to ask, it seems that you keep yourself pretty busy. I personally see that Yeah. You, especially with at her table, how you were. Or you were participating in all the activities, I'm sure obviously all these businesses on the back end, you're reaching out to them and making sure that every day, that everything's going smoothly on their operations and what they need help with. I, I wanted to ask, what do you like to do to unwind? I
Michelle:enjoy doing nothing. I enjoy laying on the couch, decompressing. I really enjoy meditating and learning, so you'll always find me during my decompression time. I'm listening to a podcast. I'm out in the community. I enjoy time meeting people that are new and trying foods that are new, then that's my joy and how I decompress after a big
Arnold:event. Yeah. No, I'm glad you said that too. I saw that, that you had actually just recently put a put a post on Enjoy Slow about the first mi Michelin Star restaurant. In, in, in, no, not slow, in PA Paso Robles.
Michelle:It's in slow County. It's the first one, yeah.
Arnold:Yeah. That's awesome. No, I just said, cause I'm glad. That you helped give that recognition because to be honest, if I hadn't not seen your post, I would've not known that No, that's awesome that you're just bringing awareness to all these ama, like I said, all these amazing local businesses that. That obviously they're promoting themselves as well too, but it just helps when we have such a community ad, amazing community advocate such as yourself, just being that voice that to represent the central coast and all of its wonderful things.
Michelle:Thank you.
Arnold:And Michelle I wanted to ask too, as well, obviously as part of Enjoy Slow too, what are some recommendations that you would give to us if we wanted to go have a full day in Slow county. Ooh.
Michelle:24 hours in Slow County. I have to seeing that my mind is already turning. is for a family. Is this for a couple? Is this for someone who's never been?
Arnold:Let's say a couple. Just speaking out of curiosity,
Michelle:Okay. I would recommend it for a couple's trip and if they've never been, highly recommend dropping by Pismo. Getting a Clem Chowder, Morro Bay. Take the drive, go straight to the rock, and there's a, if you make a left on the rock there at the very end, it's not even a mile or half a mile, there's all these different rock acks, hundreds of them then that only happens in the last couple years. I would check that out. I would drop Bile Robles beautiful wine country, get a drink, and then also hit up San Lu Obispo downtown. Bubblegum Alley. Mission Plaza.
Michelle:yeah. Yeah. And if once Herst Castle opens, I would recommend that to Elephant Seals Highway one Cambria. Absolutely beautiful. Beautiful.
Arnold:It's now I, it sounds like you have your truck full of places to go and recommendations. That's awesome for those that are definitely are to planning a day trip or want to just explore more, I'm glad that you shared just a little bit, just a little bit of what, of a fraction of what San Obispo County has to offer. So people can go out and really enjoy and take the most of their.
Michelle:Yeah. And anyone out there feel free to DM me. Everyone dms me and they're like, where should I go? And I give everyone a list and of places that I recommend. I'm just a normal person.
Arnold:And Michelle. I didn't wanna ask, so what's the future look like for Michelle?
Michelle:Wow. The future for Michelle is freedom. I am leaving for France this week. I'll be gone for a.
Arnold:And to France. Oh, wow. I'm so excited.
Michelle:No my friend. So bad. I prefer my attempt in speaking Spanish, but my husband will speak the French for us, which is also, I'm crossing my fingers. I'll be
Michelle:yeah. It's gonna be an interesting trip.
Arnold:Oh yeah. No that's, no, that's awesome. Did do what part of France for you? Were you going to,
Michelle:we'll be doing the Roan Valley. We're really excited. Of course, we'll do Paris and we'll just be driving around for three.
Arnold:Oh, that's nice. I really do hope that you keep us in the loop to see those, to see the beautiful journey along the way as well too. And yeah, no, just make sure that we, yeah, that we can just see, give us a, just an inside look. A bit of all the awesome journey that you were taking
Michelle:You definitely will. If people think Enjoy slow. My amfi are crazy. They have not seen me when I travel. We do unbelievable things and we meet amazing people. It's always been a priority. When we travel, we dip into the culture. We don't travel like tourists. We live like the people.
Arnold:Ooh. Where's, where would you say, is that a place that you've had a unique experience that you've traveled to Cuba? Oh, Cuba. Oh, wow. Oh wow. You really have traveled around
Michelle:Yes, and I don't think people know that about us. Ray and I, we take travels every year. We do three trips a year, one international, one in the United States and one within California. We do that every year. But Cuba is truly. Truly amazing. We went with no plans. We only had one hotel booked for our first night. We knocked on people's doors to, for our accommodations, and we found amazing restaurant experiences and it was completely unforgettable.
Arnold:No. I am sincerely more and more impressed every time I get to know more about you, Michelle, that you really are a person that really just immerses em, immerses yourself in the culture with the people. To really know So I like how you really take this community oriented approach everywhere you go. Not just here in slow County, but everywhere. That's awesome. I would've, I would've never thought that you, yeah. That you went with the locals, that you knocked on their doors and just really lived, immersed yourself and became, to really understand and appreciate and live that culture and and traditions that they have too. That's awesome. Yeah,
Michelle:We're so thankful. I think everyone who travels, if they really have that ability, they should be with the people, take that time to live like them and understand their point of view. I think travel should is essential as well. And so many problems in this world could be addressed if people had perspective on what life is like other places, and they'd have g. for what they do have right now in the United States.
Arnold:Oh, yeah. No, with, without a doubt. Especially with everything going on, sometimes giving that perspective really can give us that sense of appreciation and gratitude of what we do have, that we take that sometimes we may or may not take for granted. I absolutely agree. Agree with you on that. And Michelle, I, I also wanted to ask. What would be your one biggest takeaway for somebody so they can really, like I said, so they can really have that inner self journey that you are currently are embark, are embarking on that may, that, that, and I'm speaking as an ex, like for example, for a person that may or that may not feel fulfilled or feeled, that they're in a mental rut. Like how, what would be your number one piece of advice for.
Michelle:I heard this on a TED Talk and it's absolutely true. Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. What if all of us have the same ending, we're going to be in the ground one day. What does it mean to step into the things you wanna create, to push past the fear? Because living in safety, nothing changes and people are afraid to get. To have breakdowns, but those are what give you growth. And if you never get hurt, if you never take that chance, your life is just gonna be freaking boring. The best part is to love to lose, to feel everything, and life only happens once. And I really suggest for everyone, if you're living out there and you're not sure if you want to pursue something, just remember, life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. Just step into it.
Arnold:Yes. Now, I you hit the nail on the coffin. You couldn't have said that any better. Just that is awesome that you really said that. So we can have that perspective and start our own self awakening to, to be happy and, but more than just to have that fulfillment that we also desire. And no I applaud you for that, Michel.
Michelle:Yeah. Thank you. And I really also would like to say time, another thing, never take your time for granted. Magic happens in merely a few minutes. Don't be afraid to. Find a stranger who you find interesting and just tap them on the shoulder and be like, you look so cool. I wanted to talk to you. I do it all the time and people think I'm crazy, but these are literally the best connections I've had in my life is being like, I thought you looked cool and I just wanted to know you.
Arnold:No, that's awesome. I this is pure goal that you're sharing me is cuz some, you're right. Sometimes we wanna talk to these people that we may see maybe even every day, but we're just like, oh, what if they ignore me? Or something like that. No, you don't have time for that. You, you, like you said, we only live once, so let's make the most of it. Let's tap that person, create those connections, do push ourselves out of our comfort zones and just do what we want to do. and Michelle. So I wanted to ask if you may be able to share where can people find you online or offline? So if they wanted to connect with you, shoot you a DM, or just get in touch with you for at her table, or enjoy slow and get those awesome recommendations, where could they find you at? Find
Michelle:me on Instagram. Very active Oh,
Michelle:Enjoy slow on in Instagram and at her table. Slow is also our handle. You can find me on TikTok. Enjoy slow and DM me. Hit me up. I'm happy to connect to. Give any recommendations and to support this community to the best of my ability. Michelle, again, thank you so much for your time. I absolutely love what you're doing for our community. I wish you nothing but success and happiness for everything that you're doing right now and what you're gonna continue to doing, and I can't wait to just share your amazing story and your journey and your successes and your insights more than anything with all these, so with all these people that are listening in so they can really. Help themselves. And if one, it can help one person I, that will be amazing. And that's how we're all gonna grow together as a community. Absolutely. And I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me today and to this wonderful podcast that you're doing sharing all these amazing entrepreneurs on the central coast. It's really amazing.
Arnold:Oh no. Thank you Michelle, again. And I hope to you're def well, I'm definitely gonna stay in touch like, cuz I definitely wanna connect and collaborate with you and just in the future too. And just let's grow our community together. Looking forward to it. All righty. Thank you Michelle Woo. Woo.
HyperX Quadcast - 2-1:Thank
HyperX Quadcast - 1-1:you so much for listening to today's episode, and if you know somebody that would really appreciate listening to the podcast, I would humbly ask if you may share the podcast with that family friend or relative. Let's connect. Let's collaborate and succeed together. Arnold
HyperX Quadcast - 2-1:signing out.